If a bicycle doesn’t work as it should or its value has to be assessed the opinion of an expert is asked for more and more frequently. As a consequence of this development Zedler-Group bundled the services of expert's reports in a newly founded company named Gesellschaft der Fahrrad-Sachverständigen mbH (GDFS) in spring 2016. This new legal form of a limited liability company accounts for the business volume of the bicycle loss adjusting agency as well as for the fact that apart from Dirk Zedler there are meanwhile four other experts preparing expert's reports relating to accidents, theft or technical failure of bicycles and pedelecs. Insurers, lawyers, manufacturers and retailers as well as private accident victims and claimants can benefit from the long-term experience of managing director Dirk Zedler and his team.
Expert's reports on bicycles have been prepared by Zedler-Group for more than 20 years now. This experience is incorporated in an objective and neutral way in every individual expert opinion. Furthermore, the experts benefit from the knowledge of bicycle and component damage gained in the testing division. The internal archive comprising catalogues, specs and price lists of nearly all market-relevant bicycle and component manufacturers is of additional help to the experts. It covers several tens of thousands of documents of the past 30 years and is thus the most extensive collection of its kind in German-speaking countries.